Вилла в аренду в Тиране - Рядом ATSH

€ 1 300 / месяц


1.300 €/месяц

Вилла в аренду в Тиране

Основные характеристики:

Vila Land Size: 400m2
Vila Size: 250m2
Vila has 3 Этажи
1st Floor has: 1 Big Salon, 1 Спальня, 1 Кухня, 1 Ванная комната
2й этаж: 1 ПРИЕМНАЯ, 1 Спальня, 1 Ванная комната, 1 Кухня, 1 Большой Балкон
3rd Floor has: 1 ПРИЕМНАЯ, 1 Спальня, 1 Ванная комната, 1 Кухня
Big Garden in the front
USAID lived in this Vila for 15 лет
Very close to City Center
Цена: 1300 Euro/Month

Right next to the Vila there is also another Vila used as an office used by USAID all this time.

Vila has 2 Этажи
Vila Size: 190m2
1st Floor has: 1 ПРИЕМНАЯ, 1 Спальня, 1 Кухня, 1 Ванная комната
2й этаж: 3 Rooms designed as offices as well as 1 Ванная комната
Both floors can be used as offices
Price for the offices: 700 Euro/Month – Photos are available as needed

Total Price: Город + Office = 2,000 Euro/Month


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