Satılık Vlora Daireler. Vlora Panorama Residence

31,500 €

31.500 Euro

Vlora Satılık Daire

Vlora is one of the fastest growing tourist areas in Albania, due to its breathtaking coastline, sandy and pebble beaches, range mountains, rich history, archeological sites, great traditional food, water sports, hospitality and many attractions. Furthermore, Vlore has one of the biggest ports of the country and there are also predictions of an airport.

Temel Özellikler:

Fazla 90 Apartments Available for Sale
Studios and 1 Bedroom Apartments Available
Panorama Residence is situated in the southern part of Vlora
300 meters from the public beach
The building is on a hill surrounded with green areas with lemon and olive trees
Magnificent view of the Karaburun Peninsula, Sazan Island and Vlora Sea.
Panorama Residence consists of 3 blocks with 3-4 zemin
Yeraltı Otopark
Each block has 2 elevators
4 her katta daire
We could easily join a studio and 1 bed apartment to make a 2 bed apartment upon requests


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